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Thanet Wanderers 12 Charlton Park 27

Thanet Wanderers 12 Charlton Park 27

Andy Miller17 Mar - 12:41
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Bonus point win boosts survival hopes

In a match played out in front of a large, but strangely subdued, home crowd Charlton Park achieved a vital win at old rivals Thanet Wanderers.
After a mixed start for returnee Alex Miller, in which he made an outrageous break from his own half and then received a yellow card for a you know what, Park settled into their game and scored 2 converted tries, the first by another returnee, Vaki Antoniou after a quickly taken penalty and the second scored by Kini after a kick through by Vaki.
Park were dominating the game and a simple penalty, in front of the posts, gave Alex Miller and Park another 3 points after 25 minutes.
Park continued to dominate until the closing minutes of the half end when Thanet finally found good field position. A fantastic tap tackle by skipper Luke Boynes, deprived the Thanet left winger of a try and subsequent resolute defence held the home side at bay, leaving the half time score 17-0 to Park.
Thanet started the second half strongly and after a speculative kick, a fortuitous bounce found its way to the Thanet winger’s hands who ran in to score in the corner. The try was unconverted but had given Thanet some hope of a comeback.
The next 20 minutes became a bit of a stalemate, with neither side gaining the upperhand until, on 70 minutes, a superb kick by Miller found touch deep in Thanet’s 22. A fluffed lineout gave veteran Scrum half Alan Knuckey an easy try as he burrowed through a couple of defenders to score.
A second try, this time converted, by the home side brought the scores closer and with 5 minutes on the clock, both sides were searching for a bonus point score.
Deep into overtime ( following countless stoppages for conferences between the referee and captains), Park won a penalty. Ross Sidebottom, who had a fine all round game, found touch. From the resultant lineout, the ball was moved back to the wing where quick hands by Ben Monsey, put Jake Conway away in the corner for the bonus point try for Park.
After what seemed like an eternity, the whistle blew for full time and Park had their 5 point victory.
This was a good all round performance from Park, who showed good control and game management throughout.

Man of the Match was Jake Conway

Thanks to everyone who made the trip down to support the lads.
Unfortunately for Park, Cranbrook beat Dover meaning Park jumped only one place in the league. Park’s next opponents are…..
Cranbrook - at home next Saturday. There’s an end of season supporters’ lunch beforehand so sign up for that and get behind the lads afterwards. Kick off is at 3pm in this all important fixture.

Further reading