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Canterbury Pilgrims 60 Charlton Park 12

Canterbury Pilgrims 60 Charlton Park 12

Andy Miller20 Feb - 15:19
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Park suffer as Pilgrims progress

Park conceded 60 points for the second game in succession in this heavy defeat at the hands of league leaders Canterbury Pilgrims. A first half which produced 5 tries for the home side was punctuated by one for Park after a strong scrummage. Indeed, but for Park's mistakes and 2 yellow cards, the first half score may have been a bit closer as Park were more than up for the challenge, especially at scrum time.
Half Time Score: 27-5 to Canterbury.
The second half was much the same although Park kept going until the very end and were rewarded when Kini went over for the last try of the game.
The final score of Canterbury Pilgrims 60 Charlton Park 12 pretty much reflected the gulf in class.
Man of the Match was Ben Monsey for his non-stop performance in a losing cause

See the link for Canterbury's take on the match

Park are away at Deal and Betteshanger next Saturday, Feb 24th, Kick off is at 2.30

Further reading